We can learn so much from this scarecrow. He is happy and content where he is. He enjoys and appreciates his life and the life around him. He does not long for greener pastures or think that he would be happy if only.... He knows that life is not perfect and somehow that is fine with him. I took a sense of satisfaction away from this book. It is ok to be who you are, where you are. You do not have to be the richest, the thinnest, the most famous, the smartest, or the most beautiful to be happy. You simply have to accept yourself for who you are and appreciate all that you have. I believe that if more people had this philosophy we would not need so many antidepressants and we would all feel more secure and peaceful in our lives. As my daughters grow into young women this is a philosphy I would like to share with them. Be the best you, you can be. That is as close to perfect as it gets in this life.
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